About Us

Cover chi siamo

Vicino Oriente is an archaeological journal of the Departments of Sciences of Antiquity and of Oriental Studies of the University of Rome «La Sapienza» devoted to the Art, Archeology, History and Epigraphy of the Near and Middle East (Western Asia), Egypt, North Africa, Greece, and the Mediterranean.

VO was founded in 1978, under the direction of Mario Liverani, and re-founded in 2000 (issue XIV) with Lorenzo Nigro as Scientific Editor. VO is a scientific journal: its goal is to diffuse scientific information concerning archaeological and textual discoveries, reflections, and interpretations. The quality of the published works is verified by international reviewers chosen from the leading scholars of each subject.

We are convinced that the study of the Art, Archeology, History and Epigraphy, as well as all transdisciplinary researches carried on with Engineering, Physical and Life Sciences by scholars investigating the Past can give a positive contribution to the advance of knowledge, to the diffusion of culture and to the promotion of human values of peace, respect and solidarity set by the EU agenda at a global stage, especially in the regions and countries to which our journal is dedicated.

VO Journal is published yearly both in paper (ISSN 2724-587X) and digital (ISSN 2532-5159) edition. Both formats are ranked in Class A in Italy. The contribution by scholars of every discipline is welcome.

Main purposes of the journal are:

  • to host preliminary reports of excavations carried on by Sapienza University of Rome and other research Institutions in the Near and Middle East, Egypt, North Africa, Greece and the Mediterranean
  • to report about results of research projects in progress in the same fields of study
  • to introduce PhD projects currently carried on in Sapienza University of Rome and in other research centers dealing with the main topics of the Journal
  • to account the activities of the Museum of Near East, Egypt and Mediterranean of Sapienza University of Rome.

Papers submitted to the Editorial Board must be typed according to author guidelines and must be submitted through the submission platform. Proposed papers are submitted to double-blind review and, when accepted, they are subjected to the editorial procedure according to the standard procedure reported at the page Peer Review.

Vicino Oriente is indexed by ERIHPLUS , DOAJ , SHERPA ROMEO and articles have a DOI number.