
The policy and guidelines provided on this page aim to protect the quality and integrity of scholarly practice and research and the scientific attainment of Vicino Oriente Journal.
Manuscripts are evaluated for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, as well as scientific, academic, or political orientation of the authors.



The Editor and members of the Editorial Board carry out the publication process. The members of the Scientific Committee (International and National) are the guarantors of this process. Both groups of scholars collaborate for the publication and dissemination of the results of scientific research in the fields of interest of the journal. The members of the Editorial Board are responsible, under the supervision of the Editor, for deciding, through the acquisition and evaluation of the opinions of the Reviewers, which of the articles proposed to the journal should be published.

The main responsibilities of the Editor and the Editorial Board are:

  • Manage all submissions in a fair and timely manner, communicating the decisions taken after peer review, taking care of the best realization of the articles.
  • Ensure that all submitted contributions are treated confidentially. Likewise, the identity and details of all reviewers must be treated confidentially.
  • Act objectively, following the directions of reviewers regarding contributions, based solely on their relevance and scientific quality.
  • Ensure that, in the event of suspicions of dubious scientific or editorial conduct, authors and contributions are treated reasonably and confidentially.


It is the responsibility of all reviewers to deal with requests from the Editor and the Editorial Board to review papers, and make those reviews, in a timely manner, with care, consideration and above all objectivity, exercising confidentiality at every stage. It is appreciated by authors when reviewers explain and support their judgements so that comments may be fully understood. Reviewers should not retain copies of any article that they review.



If a reviewer believes that his/her relationship to an author, if known, or the subject matter of an article, may constitute a conflict of interests for any reason, this must be disclosed to the Scientific Editor.



Contributes submitted for publication must be original work of the author/s and do not have to be published in any form (even online on the web) before submission to Vicino Oriente Journal.
If a reviewer suspects for any reason that the author may have submitted the paper in the same or similar form to another publication, or suspects that plagiarism has occurred, then this should be discreetly brought to the attention of the Scientific Editor.
Reviewers must take great care to maintain confidentiality in all cases as accusations, whether suspicions are proven or disproven, can have a serious and damaging effect on the career and reputation of the individual(s) concerned. Any communication with the Scientific Editor must be balanced, carefully argued and suitably qualified such that reviewers do not leave themselves, the Scientific Editor, or the Editorial Board open to accusation of libel, which may occur whether or not the case is proven.
All procedures will be carried out in a sensitive and confidential manner.



Authors should present original research.
Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited.
If there are two or more authors, the corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper, having agreed to its submission for publication. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal and cooperate with the Scientific Editor to retract or correct the paper.



The journal allows authors to retain the full publishing rights of their papers without restrictions.



Vicino Oriente Journal supports the ethical principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). A number of useful resources, such as guidelines, discussion papers and the COPE Code of Conduct, are available on the COPE website.

Vicino Oriente is indexed by ERIHPLUS , DOAJ , SHERPA ROMEO