Current Issue

No. XII (2023)
Published June 1, 2023

Vicino Oriente is an archaeological journal of the Departments of Sciences of Antiquity and of Oriental Studies of the University of Rome «La Sapienza» devoted to the Art, Archeology, History and Epigraphy of the Near and Middle East (Western Asia), Egypt, North Africa, Greece, and the Mediterranean. VO is a scientific journal: its goal is to diffuse scientific information concerning archaeological and textual discoveries, reflections, and interpretations. The quality of the published works is verified by international reviewers chosen from the leading scholars of each subject.

Vicino Oriente is published annually both in paper (ISSN 2724-587X) and digital (ISSN 2532-5159) edition, and it is ranked in Class A in Italy, with completely open access and a double-blind review process.
Vicino Oriente is indexed by ERIHPLUS, DOAJ, Jisc.

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